L’eterna disputa tra Stato e mercato/individuo nel Nuovo Ordine Mondiale Digitale
Paolo Savona – Fabio Vanorio

Pubblicato da Rubbettino

Pubblicazione 03/2023
Copertina morbida
Pagine: 254

Gli AA. esaminano la Quarta Rivoluzione industriale che ha le sue caratteristiche propulsive nella digitalizzazione delle informazioni con metodi di contabilità decentrata e in linguaggio criptato e nel loro uso con metodi di iper-intelligenza artificiale; essa crea un mondo virtuale, chiamato Infosfera, in cui la realtà si va trasferendo a ritmo incessante dando vita a quella conosciuta come Metaverso. Il lavoro presenta anche un’analisi dei possibili sviluppi quantistici. Di questa Rivoluzione vengono esaminati i molteplici effetti sulle relazioni interne e internazionali, alla luce dell’eterna disputa tra Stati e individui, mediata dai mercati, che delineano un Nuovo Ordine Mondiale Digitalizzato, ma la resistenza del Vecchio Ordine, come dimostrano le tensioni tra Stati Uniti e mondo islamico mai sopite, quelli con la Russia, esplose nell’invasione dell’Ucraina, e con la Cina, in bilico precario e pericoloso, creano una situazione complessa e difficile da governare tra potenze in cerca di prevalenza piuttosto che di convivenza pacifica. Emerge prepotente l’esigenza di un nuovo contratto sociale digitale all’interno dei paesi che propizi un Ordine Mondiale basato su equilibri di potenza.  

Il lavoro affronta anche l’esame dei contenuti del problema etico della rivoluzione digitale dal punto di vista sia della visione cristiano-occidentale, sia di quella islamica e, più in generale, orientale. 

The Authors examine the Fourth Industrial Revolution, which has its propelling features in the digitization of information with decentralized accounting methods and encrypted language and its use with methods of artificial intelligence; it creates a virtual world called the ‘Infosphere’ where reality is being transferred at a relentless pace, giving rise to what is known as the ‘Metaverse’. The book also presents an analysis of possible quantum developments. The various effects of this Revolution on domestic and international relations are examined considering the eternal dispute between states and individuals, mediated by markets, outlining a Digitized New World Order. However, the resistance of the Old Order, as evidenced by the tensions between the United States and the Islamic world that have never subsided, those with Russia exploded in the conflict with Ukraine, and with China, precariously and dangerously poised, create a challenging situation to govern between powers seeking prevalence rather than peaceful coexistence. The need for a new digital social contract within countries that would propitiate a World Order based on balances of power is overbearingly emerging.
The book also addresses the examination of the content of the ethical problem of the digital Revolution from the perspective of both the Christian-Western and Islamic and, more generally, the Eastern views.

Are you interested in intelligence and national security? Do you want to discuss the latest strategies and methods that are changing with the advent of the Fourth Industrial Revolution technologies?
Then, mark your calendars for April 13th!
#FabioVanorio will be hosted as part of the 13th edition of the Master’s Degree in Intelligence 2023-2024, a prestigious study course on intelligence and national security organized by the Italian Society of Intelligence (Società Italiana di Intelligence (SOCINT) and the University of Calabria. This course is directed by Professor Mario Caligiuri, and I will be assisted by Professor Liuva Capezzani (Master’s Tutor).
In four hours, we will discuss some themes of the book “Geopolitica dell’Infosfera,” which I co-wrote with Professor Paolo Savona, President of the Italian Security and Exchange Commission. The lecture will cover a wide range of topics, such as Intelligence and Big Data; the AI-powered Intelligence Cycle; the Impact of the European AI Act on National Security; the relationship between IoT and CI; Cognitive Supremacy and Disinformation. At the end of the lecture, we will practice building an intelligence report with ChatGPT 3.5.
The lecture, in Italian, will be on Zoom only for the Master’s students. However, the Master’s Department also selects external expressions of interest.
Please feel free to contact him on LinkedIn (or we can help) or Prof. Capezzani for more information.

18 aprile 2023 ore 17.00
Presentazione a Unimarconi