
``Culture – the powerful foundation on which our worldviews are shaped``

About ItaliensPR

ItaliensPR offers a specialised, professional consultancy service in the field of journalism, in Media and Institutional relations in culture and human rights. Education as imperative to the promotion of human rights and inclusion.

ItaliensPR values, dreams and visions inspire and uplift everyone involved in our endeavour.

For ItaliensPR, Culture is the most important tool for peace and stability in the world and costitutes the set of values that gives meaning to the community and therefore Culture diplomacy, Heritage and Cross Cultural Intelligence create a network intercultural connections among humans.Diverse culture, One humanity.

Cultural diplomacy represents one of the most advanced and articulated forms of soft power: through the sharing and exchange of ideas, values, languages ​​and artistic practices, the promotion of dialogue, respect for diversity and mutual understanding between peoples and nations, in support of wider action of political and economic cooperation at international level.

Our vision addresses actions, and helps people to realize them. ItaliensPR enhances your brand messaging, making it attractive for new seed investment.

Here we are. A platform for global professionals on the move to support, to inspire, to connect each other on professional opportunities.

Our hub-team is made up of highly talented multi-disciplinary and multi-cultural professionals, capable of processing, producing and promoting highly complex international projects and initiatives.

Integrity, truth, inspiration, innovation, ethical communication are our driving forces. We think differently, we deliver consistently building customer loyalty. Because we make our missions meaningful. News from Italienspr platform the definitive source for Independent cross cultural journalism from every corner of the globe. A global sustainability platform where art is humanity and humanity is art, where art belongs to all.

We believe in Sport as tool to promote understanding, peace, respect and tolerance, social cohesion bringing people together across boundaries, cultures, and religions. We deeply believe and work for human fraternity as a new NWO.

Cross Cultural International PR / Journalist & Global Press

Cecilia Sandroni

Cecilia has been Semiotician, a Cross Cultural International PR and Global Press, a Cultural strategist, lecturer, contract professor, greenie, ghost writer, educator, internship trainer, journalist and antenna journalist, infosphere fellow, founder of ItaliensPR global press platform driven by the belief that arts and human rights education are a major force for growth.

After graduating with honors in foreign languages and literature and earning a degree of Master in Semiotics of Theatre with a thesis in Elizabethan Theatre at the Shakespeare Centre in Stratford-upon-Avon, Cecilia immediately began her career in the international scene. Organizing conferences for professionals in London, New York, Montreal, Toronto, Frankfurt and Buenos Aires, acquiring along the way a network of top executive contacts in the culture and performance fields.

Join the Network

Connect Throught the ItaliensPR Database

Join the network of connected professionals with ItaliensPR’s database of national and international contacts. Expand your reach and enhance your public relations efforts with access to a diverse array of media contacts, industry influencers, and thought leaders. Take the first step towards elevating your communications strategy and connect with ItaliensPR today. ItaliensPR can distribute your press releases in front of a Global audience of 500k Journalists and influencers across 160 countries in over 20 languages


Our services

Cross cultural PR

Cross Cultural PR, Global Press and News, Cultural diplomacy by Cecilia Sandroni

Institutional PR

Institutional PR, sponsorships and institutional events


Social and cultural responsability

Communication crisis management 

Empowering Businesses Through Effective Crisis Management

Cultural tourism

Learn, Discover, Experience

Digital strategies

Digital PR, social network management and contact management creation

Digital transformation and

emerging Technologies

Exploring Digital Frontiers: ItaliensPR’s Expanding Database


Media training & Dynamic Public Speaking

Photo reportage

Visual Storytelling


Media monitoring and reporting

Video reportage

The power of word and imagery to change perceptions

Journalist for human rights

Empowering Human Rights: Strengthening Journalism Worldwide

News agency

Wire service and news service


Hire the best ghostwriters
in Europe and Italy

Cross cultural Intelligence

Cross cultural intelligence & monitoring

“I have been worked with Cecilia for a number of years. She is an amazing, passionate and super fun lady to work with. A press event with Cecilia there is always one to be remembered 😊, she brings a spark and a wink while the professionalism is always guaranteed…’s always a pleasure to work with her, Charlie MacGregor”
Stay Safe, Stay Healthy & Stay Curious!

Charlie Macgregor

CEO & Founder The Student Hotel

“Cecilia is a volcano of ideas. She is an honest person who believes in what she does and is incredibly committed. Cecilia is multitasking.”

Salvatore Calleri

President Antonino Caponnetto Foundation

Cecilia Sandroni is one of those women you cannot miss in a crowd, even if it is full of stars- her aura of serenity, command, intelligence, strength and total confidence fills any space she enters/ she is fiercely professional, loyal, doggedly dedicated and always on the ball. I have known her work in a number of countries...worked with her on films and exhibitions and would not hesitate to call her in the middle of the night even on an unrelated subject- she would get up and move mountains. If you require 105%, she will give more. A great gift and asset to any project, to any team, to any individual.

Katya Krausova

British independent television producer/director. Co-founder at Portobello Pictures

Her infectious energy and enthusiasm put in every endeavour help her to organize any kind of events. Cecilia Sandroni also displays an exceptional strength of character. Thinking about her, the first word that comes up is ``integrity.`` She’s an honest and caring woman committed to upholding these values in every environment or community where she lives or works. She’s the first to come and the last to get out, volunteering, helping to promote and staying after for every initiative.

Fabio Vanorio

Executive Director, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation of Italy

For any firm or foundation seeking someone who will passionately promote their mission with a generous heart, stellar mind and ethical soul, Cecilia would exceed all expectations with commitment and a drive for perfection. All she does is done with a natural elegance and interest in people that can bridge audiences from students to royalty. To Cecilia, life is an opportunity for continual learning, exploring, and adding to her thousands of contacts worldwide -- contacts who remain lifelong friends. Her diverse employment successes attest to her talents and drive -- she will always want her work to be the best anyone could do, and will do whatever research and outreach is necessary to develop an exciting, creative and successful product.

Sarah Morrison

U.S General Consul in Italy, Short-term Project Management, Writing/Editing Grants and PR, Global Crisis Intervention via Consultant

Cecilia is a warrior: a courageous woman that can face any problems, anytime, anywhere.

Serena Bürgisser

Deputy Director Communications Service THE STATE OF THE UNION, Project Manager European University Institute

Cecilia Sandroni is an incredible problem solver, a person who is never going to give up. She is a Dreamer with the extraordinary and rare quality to work 24/7 with total dedication. As a person that never ``spares`` her energy, so that where others fear failure, she will create the possibilities. Brilliant, thinking ``out of the box``, bringing good solutions, good tempered and an extraordinary team worker. I admire her capacities which never end to surprise me and love to work with her.

Milena Kaneva

News Producer and journalist, documentary producer, speakers

I have known and worked with Cecilia Sandroni for years on Public Relations opportunities. In international markets and in Italy, Cecilia is simply the best and most professional PR executive a company can work with.

Edie Rodriguez

Ponant Americas Brand Chairman, Former CEO & President of Crystal Cruises

Sulphurous, creative, whimsical, practical, skilled, inimitable, contact woman, active for many years on the Florentine and international cultural scene, ranging from photography to cinema, to volunteering with the effective manager's flair and the artist's imagination.

Giorgio Gosetti Di Sturmeck

Journalist, Critic & Film Festival Director

Cecilia is outstanding intellectually, administrativelly and organizationally. She is very knowledgeable about Florence, both its government and its culture. She has developed an extensive and profound grasp of the UK in all its variety and specificity. On the top of this, she has a thorough marketing ability, from design to implementation, equally handling the logistical and personal aspects and she is an absolute joy as a colleague.

Jonathan Davis

Past Film Council UK

Cecilia Sandroni is an extraordinary woman: a volcano of positive endless energy. She is excellent at what she does: her people skills are like nothing else I have ever seen. She has the gift of making everyone she encounters feel unique and important, and the reason for this is simple: it is a reflection of her deep integrity, compassion, love and care. Any organization would be very fortunate to have her as part of their team.

petr lom

documentary director and producer

Cecilia Sandroni is a volcano of personality that warms and enlightens every venture. Well-connected and embraced by all levels of those in her business, with the ability to envision a project or event from the swirl of ideas at the start to the glorious conclusion and aftermath. Those who she does not know at the moment soon become eager associates and colleagues. Few things can be given the sobriquet of “can’t miss” – this is one of them.

Tom Squitieri

Award-winning journalist and communications strategist.

Cecilia is a priestess who marries the cause and celebrates it.

Philippe Daverio

Art critic, lecturer, writer, author, politician and Italian television personality.

Cecilia has more than 25 years of activity on the Florentine and international scene, ranging from photography to cinema, related directly or indirectly to major cultural institutions, which have sculpted her skills and produced a wealth of experience and contacts that produced a rare weaver of relationships, culture and excellence. Her enthusiasm and passion along with her high commitment and competence made sure that the name Tenuta di Castelfalfi was known throughout the world.

Stefan Neuhaus

Past CEO at Tenuta di Castelfalfi spa

Cecilia provided us with excellent trouble shooting analysis regarding complex issues in the areas of trafficking in persons and child soldiers. Her unique analysis style opened new avenues of analysis for our project team. Her high level of professionalism was able to win the team's trust and overcome cultural differences. In addition, Cecilia has access to a wide variety of high level executives in humanitarian, business, cultural and government organizations. That makes the resulting product very thorough and professional. I highly recommend Cecilia for any complex international project.

Nick Hauser

past Foreign Affair Officer US Department of State Washington DC

Dynamic, competent, tireless in the pursuit of the best. Multi-lingual, multi-tasking, multi-faceted. International experiences at european top management level.

Marcello Masi

Journalist, Past Director TG 2 RAI

I had the pleasure to collaborate with Cecilia for about one year. During this period she had shown great expertise in the Public Relations field as well as a positive can-do attitude. Cecilia used Cision’s services to their fullest extent managing to promote the Tenuta di Castelfalfi brand on all channels, from Traditional media to Social Media channels, taking it to a level of exposure never achieved before.

Alessandro Bondavalli

Business Development Director at Hypefactors

The first time I have met Cecilia I was really surprised to discover how cross-cultural oriented is she. And I was also surprised about her innovative approach in applying anthropology to PR. Without any doubt I personally consider Cecilia the right expert that can provide pioneering analysis and advices on differences in cultures as powerful factor.

Federico Prizzi


I write to strongly recommend the work of Ms Cecilia Sandroni as a highly professional, reliable and efficient person and with whom I had the pleasure to work with when I was still working at the Office of the OSCE Special Representative for Combating Trafficking in Human Beings. Cecilia was involved in providing support to one of the most ambitious OSCE capacity building projects for experts combating human trafficking at national and international level. The whole project team enormously benefited from her precious professional work, which proved essential for planning, development and implementation of activities.

Alberto Andreani

Coordination Officer Office of the Executive Director United Nations Register of Damage

Cecilia Sandroni acts, feels, thinks “European”. Living between Italy and Germany, following projects in Amsterdam or Betlehem, working with governement officials, vatican prelates, private enterprises or social organizations, Cecilia combines florentine wit with dynamism and creativity, intellectual elegance and global experience. European inprint means for Cecilia a special care for the cultural dimension of every program she is engaged in, a special attention for the flourishing of minds and hearts of the individual and the fostering of the common good. Just now she is ready with enthusiasm and her skills for the new challenges coming after the worldwide Covid-crisis. Because as pope Francis says: “After this crisis it will not be like before. It will be either worse or better”.

Marco Politi

Author and senior Vatican analyst

Cecilia is warrior princess at work, in life, the platform is incredible”.

Neo Mooki

Managing Director, Head of Insurance & Private Assets, Generali Group

It’s not easy to find someone with all the qualities that Cecilia brings. She is professional, dedicated, creative, and driven. At the same time she is intellectually honest, ethical, caring, attentive to details and cultural nuances, and she does it all with heart. A big heart. She is a great communicator and people person. She is a well connected and skilled networker with a broad reach into the private and public sectors, as well as the cultural front. She is a problem solver who does not give up. And she is always eager to explore and continue learning. If you are looking for someone to passionately promote your cause, look no further: Cecilia Sandroni is your woman.

Alessandro Piol

President at Epistemically AI, investor, mentor, board member, entrepreneur

Cecilia is a unique woman, a combative one, full of inner strength, which she turns into immense sweetness. A bright, sincere and contagious smile distinguishes her. She is an exceptional professional and a sincere friend, who has dedicated herself to others and to defend the common good.

Emanuela Somalvico

Director of the Arctic Intelligence Observatory


In collaboration with

Unimi convenvenzione

ItaliensPR and Cecilia Sandroni have signed an agreement with the University of Siena for curricular internships from April, 13th 2021. Therefore students will be able to apply for an internship in the field of cultural diplomacy, international communication and journalism, regarding culture and human rights.

In memory



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